Outside it’s cold, it’s windy and its raining,
They’ve got each other, neither one’s complaining.
The old Rod Stewart classic being sung by Aaron and Damiano had a whole lot of random youngsters invading our Karaoke room at Goros in Surry Hills at our 20-Year Reunion.
Those two aced and led the singing but everyone had a go and we all had a fantastic time catching up, telling stories, reliving old memories and creating some new ones. It was as though 20 minutes had passed, rather than 20 years.
Out of a class of only 41 students, Beth, Baden, Colin, Anna, Alex M, Alex RG, Jorja, Nicky, Anthony, Aaron, Ivan, Damiano, Lenny, Sheridan, Matteo and I enjoyed the Japanese food and drink as well as the company of each other.
What was particularly gratifying to me, was to see what great people they had become.
Teaching and education is an inexact science and it is sometimes hard to tell if your school is having a positive impact on those who go through the place.
Meeting these young people 20 years down the track reassures me that we were definitely doing something right!

Wow, what an awesome night!
It was so great seeing everyone, even if my head is still pounding.
The comments and photos tell the story.
Sheridan: My 5am self was definitely cursing my 2am decision making! 🤣
Alex: Aaron, there are few people that can honestly say when they pick up the microphone several unrelated groups of people rush INTO the room.
Beth: Thanks Paul, really great night, let’s not leave it 20 years next time!
Paul Galea
Director of Advancement