A mystery is solved!

Our whole school goal for 2023 is to flourish.

There’s been a lot going on at IGS this year; everyone has been working so hard and achieving a great deal. But flourishing can mean so many different things. 

Last term, we shared a lovely story – a young woman who lives in our local area wrote to me. Her email was called, Impressed with your students. This is what it said: 

Dear Ms Colnan. I am writing to express my gratitude to the two young students on the 470 bus this morning. They were sharing the front seat on a very crowded bus. After some whispered negotiations with each other, they chose to relinquish their seat so an adult could sit.

Awareness of others and choosing to forego your own advantage is a less common behaviour these days and I wish to commend them.

Kind regards, 

How wonderful that a member of the public took the time to share this message. These two students embody the spirit and values of IGS and what it means to really flourish. Their kindness made a difference and spread flourishing not just to themselves but to many others. 

The one part of the story that remained a mystery has now been solved! We have since discovered that these impressive and kind students are Valen Ladogna and Lilia Bach in Year 6 Green.

I commend Valen and Lilia for embodying an uplifting and gentle spirit of kindness that we see manifest across our school every day.

Ms Shauna Colnan
