Ask an Archivist Day

by IGS Archivist Phoebe Chin

Did you know that IGS has an Archivist? What is an Archivist, I hear you ask. Maybe you’re not sure what an Archivist does and how that helps you? Perhaps you’d like to know about the person behind Chronicles? Now is your time to ask! 

Ask an Archivist – Student Form

Ask an Archivist – General Form

25 October is Ask an Archivist Day, which is a unique opportunity for me to open a dialogue with my community and find out what you know about archiving, collecting, and information and how I can increase your understanding of the profession or help with your information needs.

Archivists sort, preserve, and collect historical documents and help people to find them. These documents include papers, photos, maps, films, and digital records. They also do a lot of research to find out more about the objects in their collection, which can sometimes feel like detective work. All questions are welcome: big, small, silly, or serious.

I will be collecting questions until 4 October. All are free to ask something: IGS Students, staff, Alums, parents, carers, P&C, everyone! Submit your questions to or you can fill in the Google form. A link will also be available after the Kaleidoscope Kids episode coming out on 20 September to record your questions.

Look out for the responses in the 25 October InFocus and Kaleidoscope Kids episode.
