Happy Birthday Disco Dancers!

Primary School Students Shine Bright

This year’s Primary School Disco had a birthday party theme to tie into the School’s 40th Anniversary. The children got into the spirit of it, dressing up in a myriad of bright colours and some amazing disco outfits. We had over 500 attendees which is more than 95% of Primary School!

We had Early Learning come though, and this year, not only did they dance up a storm, they also requested songs. The quality of the dancing in both Kindy to Year 3 and Years 4 to 6 was fantastic and the range of songs that the children knew by heart was astounding.

Activities such as face painting, hair and makeup, nails and tattoos were very popular as well as hotdogs, popcorn and fruit.

“The School was incredibly supportive in the planning and organising. The decorations for the hall were designed by IGS parent and artist Jane Zeidler. Over 1,000 balloons went into transforming the hall into disco central. DJ Lauren (Biss), previously an After Care Coordinator, made her annual return and played the best songs. Lighting design was done by Year 12 student Hayley Stone who taught herself how to program the lighting console from Youtube videos. Patty from the canteen was very generous as usual and key parent organisers, Danielle, Julian, Lisa, Cath and Samantha made a difficult task seem easy.

“We were also very pleased and thankful to the number of teachers who also attended,” said PTF member and Disco Party team leader Kim Thomas.

Special thanks to the PTF members and President Hayley Dean, and thank you to over 100 parents and more than 30 High School students involved as volunteers in staging one of the best disco parties of all time! 

Enjoy some highlights of the party below.
