Composer Paul Jarman Inspires

Renowned composer of our new school anthem, Paul Jarman, recently led the entire school in singing the anthem, meticulously teaching us the important tones and inflections. The unity and spirit were palpable, and hearing everyone sing together made him “feel 7 years younger”. Paul has worked with IGS for many years, composing various beautiful and meaningful songs such as Orange Tree. This moment of collective joy and learning was a testament to the power of music in bringing our community closer.

Darren Kuilenburg Director of Music and the Music department have been working hard throughout the semester to help both students and staff learn the lyrics. While everyone has sung it in year groups and house groups, the upcoming 40th Anniversary Concert Vive La Revolution! to be held on 26 July 2024 will be the first time the whole school sings it together.

We are grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with such an inspirational composer. Thank you Paul.

