Drama Students OnStage Adventure

On Friday students had the opportunity to attend the Showcase of Drama HSC Excellence at the Seymour Centre.

Last Friday fifty Year 10, 11 and 12 Drama Students attended the OnStage Showcase of Drama HSC Excellence at the Seymour Centre.

Set, costume, poster and promotion together with critical analysis projects were on display in the foyer, allowing students to walk around the exhibition before taking their seats in the theatre. 

During the show, students saw both group and individual performances as well as a moved reading of an outstanding script.

They were also treated to a viewing of IGS 2022 Head Boy Madiba Doyle Lambert’s Film Ennui, one of only two films selected in the state for exhibition.

“We are extremely proud that our School was represented in the showcase,” said director of dramatic arts Rita Morabito. “Madiba’s film was a highlight!”

Ms Morabito expressed that this was an invaluable day for our Drama students, especially those Year 12 students who have begun working on their HSC drama projects and performances. 

IGS received 13 Onstage nominations from a class of 18 students in 2022. 
