Early Learners love Mandarin

The School's youngest learners are soaking up Mandarin words through songs, rhymes and games.

In Early Learning at IGS, bilingual language immersion begins from the first days of attendance at our School. 

The daily program includes a language experience in either French, German, Italian, Chinese (Mandarin) or Japanese when children are exposed to their second language through songs, rhymes and games.

“The Three Little Pigs (三只小猪 in Mandarin) is their favourite story at the moment,” said the children’s Mandarin educator Ashley Cui, who enthralled the little ones with a performance of the nursery rhyme during story time. 

The children looked on with wide-eyed wonder as their language educator brought the story to life in their new language using puppets, a cubby house and of course, music. The children answered questions in Mandarin and sang along with Ashely. 

“I love watching them learn, and sharing my language and culture with them,” said Ashely. 
