Focus pays off for Felix

Congratulations to 'IGS lifer' Felix Weninger, an All-round Achiever with an impressive ATAR.

Felix, who began at IGS in Preschool, has been listed in the coveted NESA All-round Achievers list for gaining results in the highest band possible for 10 or more HSC units of study.

“It’s a bit unreal,” said Felix when trying to describe how he felt after receiving news he had achieved Band 6 results in all of his subjects and an ATAR of 98.85. 

“I’m proud of myself,” he said. “I worked really hard so I’m happy it paid off.” 

Felix studied Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics Advanced, Mathematics Extension 1 and Textiles and Design. 


Felix’s advice for other students?

“I guess rely on your teachers and know the content for each course inside and out.

“Don’t waste time procrastinating. Of course, you need free time but don’t sit there and pretend to study when you could actually be doing something more useful.” 

For Felix that was taking opportunities to release stress by reading or knitting. 

“I want to thank all my teachers who really helped me out with learning everything and finding ways to revise and just making sure I was comfortable with everything and understood everything.”

Felix plans to go to university next year to study something in the field of Biology but is still deciding exactly what that will be. 

And as for now, his plans are to simply relax and enjoy a well-deserved break. 

You’ve earnt it, Felix!

Felix was among six All-round Achievers in the IGS Class 2022. We wish all our leavers all the very best as they step out into the world.
