Year 4 German are learning about NSW and Sydney this Term.
“The past two weeks have been all about orientation and giving directions in the city centre,” German Teacher Valentina Missio said.

“In teams, they searched and located Sydney’s most famous tourist attractions on the city map. With the help of coordinations on the map, they managed to describe the accurate location efficiently.”
“Also, we practised some tourist guide skills in class: In turns students acted as tourist guides holding a flag and leading the class through the school building. Each student decided where to direct the group and what area of the school to show.
“Their favourite instruction was ‘Bitte folgt mir!” (‘Please, follow me’). They used other phases such as ‘Auf der rechten Seite sehen wir die Bibliothek’ (‘On the right side we see the Bibliothèque’).
“To apply and practise the ‘Imperative’ verbs (‘Befehlsform’), students gave directions in the form of commands to a ‘blind-folded’ classmate.
“There were different destinations hung up in the classroom, such as signs to the Opera House or the Sydney Harbour Bridge, and the blind-folded student had to reach the destination with the help of verbal instructions from their classmates.”
View the gallery to see Year 4 German practising their directions.