Love from Above

Last Friday, the entire School gathered in Wentworth Park to celebrate our 40th anniversary with a spectacular drone photo!

The last whole school photo was taken in 2004, making this new heart-shaped image a special memento of our milestone year.

In line with our 2024 goal to Honour the Past, Treasure the Present, and Shape the Future, this historic aerial photo symbolises our School’s unity and spirit. Many worked tirelessly to bring this vision to life, from plotting the heart formation to coordinating with local police for safety. Thankfully, the rain held off for this memorable event.



The morning buzzed with anticipation as Principal Shauna Colnan, students of all ages, teachers and support staff looked forward to the shoot. Despite the somewhat gloomy weather, the spirit was celebratory and we were fortunate to have a rain-free day that was warm without being too hot.

Students, from our youngest to our oldest, took great care of one another.

Behind the scenes, meticulous preparation went into organising the photo. Permits were obtained, logistics confirmed, and standing capacity calculated.




Arranging 1,350 students at a density of four students per square metre into a heart shape required careful calculation. The result was a heart 23 metres high and 22 metres wide.

Our Head of Mathematics Cassandra Church explained, “In class, Stage 6 Mathematics students performed the necessary calculations to create the heart design for the whole school photo. They started by measuring a square metre on the floor to determine how many people could fit in that space, which helped decide the heart’s size. Next, using a simplified heart design (two semicircles and a triangle), students worked out the required dimensions. Finally, they used Year 11 Extension 1 graphing skills to design a scale diagram of the heart shape using Desmos. The most thrilling part was seeing this project come to life at Wentworth Park, where the whole school gathered together to be the beating heart of Ultimo!”

This plan was translated into a series of points on the field, carefully measured out by Head of Stage 3 Mr Peter Adam and our own ‘linesman’ Ted P, and marked with landscaper’s paint.




Little Logistics IN EARLY LEARNING

Getting the whole School to Wentworth Park took some careful arranging.

For our youngest children, preparation was key. Early Learning staff introduced the idea gradually, and the children were excited and curious about participating in such a special event. Their educators used Social Stories—a specially prepared booklet outlining the activities and what the children would do, see, and hear. Director of Early Learning Victoria Kirkwood shared, “Social Stories help children process and understand what will happen on the day.” Important messages in the Social Story helped children stay safe, prepare for unusual circumstances, and allay any concerns they may have had ahead of the event.



Older students were escorted to the park in groups, assisted by their teachers, with administrative staff and senior students providing additional help.

We are grateful for the assistance of the local police who supported the huge logistical task of an entire school crossing a busy main road simultaneously. It is a tribute to all our students that the police were so impressed with their behaviour and attitude, with one officer commenting, “IGS really is a special school – the kids show such care for one another”. 


Once everyone was in position within the heart, the drone went up to capture the scene. Students waved and smiled, and students at the centre of the heart erupted in dance.

It took several shots to capture the scene before the camera crew packed up and the students and staff returned to School in time for lunch. The heart-shaped image taken by the drone symbolises the spirit of our special school – the culture, the people, and a commitment to our students’ growth. 

Our school pride was very evident, Head of Children’s Programs Sarah Herbert commented, “It felt so great being all together!” – a sentiment we all agreed on.



