Magical Memories and Milestones

A Message from the Principal


What a week we have all had! Our Year 12 students celebrated their last official day of school in true IGS spirit. In a treasured tradition, they spent time at Taronga Zoo with our Kindergarten students, creating magical memories that will last a lifetime, as some of our youngest and oldest students shared a special time together. As well as an enlightening session with Judge Shead, they also took time to relax and have fun at Luna Park and shared a memorable evening at their Graduation Dinner.

For our 2024 Anniversary graduating cohort, this is an especially significant moment. This remarkable group of young people has not only distinguished themselves academically, but also shown incredible kindness and a deep, philosophical understanding of the world around them. They have lived fully in the present, embracing both the joys and challenges of their studies and friendships over the years.

This time of transition is both exciting and daunting, but I know that their hard work, perseverance, and the bonds they have formed here at IGS will guide them through. 

We will be cheering them on every step of the way as they take on their HSC and prepare to embark on the next chapter of their lives.

The exhilaration and energy weren’t limited to Year 12. Our news is filled with activity from across the School: Year 1 students proudly showcased their learning to parents, presenting creative projects on their chosen animals, Year 5 Beginner Italian students explored the theme of Il Benessere (Wellbeing), while High School students engaged with Paul Dillon from DARTA on vital health issues. Year 12 Geography students enjoyed a hands-on field trip to Towra Point Aquatic Reserve, our School Archivist Phoebe Chin collaborated with Mr Fedele’s Year 10 Geography class in preparation for Ask an Archivist Day, and so much more.

I am excited to embark on a sabbatical to Cambridge next week, where I will be studying strategic decision making and transformational leadership. I look forward to sharing these learnings to benefit our students and enhance the School’s future direction. I’m also looking forward to reconnecting with the IGS Alums London Chapter, where more than 35 alums are expected to attend in this anniversary year.

During my leave until Week 4, I have every confidence that the School will thrive under the calm and capable leadership of Acting Principal Mary Duma, whose dedication and expertise will ensure continuity and support for our community.

Best of luck to our 2024 cohort – your journey has just begun, and we cannot wait to see where it leads.

Shauna Colnan
