“Drama Curriculum and Co-curricular students have hit the ground running this year and are busy creating wonderful work,” said Director of Dramatic Arts Rita Morabito.
Year 12 are busy working on their area of study performances as well as finalising their Individual Performances and Projects.
Year 11 are writing, performing, and bringing scenes to life for their class play which will take place in the last week of March, when family and friends will be invited to see their work on stage.
Year 10 are learning about and creating melodrama scenes which they will perform for Primary School classes, and Year 9 are becoming confident improvisers.
“At Co-curricular Drama, our Theatresports clubs and teams are hard at work preparing for a variety of events and activities,” Rita said.
“Students have just completed auditions for Tom Stoppard’s The Real Inspector Hound and the Production Ensemble will be announced shortly.”
An exciting opportunity has also recently become available to all students in Years 8 and 9 to take part in the Production of Alice Dreaming Written and Directed by multi-talented IGS teacher, actor and writer Ned Manning.
Mr Manning says, “It is a large cast play with roles for everyone who is keen. There is also an opportunity for students to join the Creative Team of animators, and designers as well as the lighting and sound crew.”
Alice Dreaming will be being performed in Week 2 of Term 4 and rehearsals will begin on Thursday 9 March from 4pm to 5.30pm and run in the second week of the September holidays, from 2 to 6 October. Parents with Working With Children Check clearance are also invited to be involved.
In Primary School, Drama clubs have begun with much enthusiasm from all involved.
“We were very excited to welcome Kindergarten classes into the Commedia Playhouse for their Drama workshop experiences,” noted Rita, referencing the recent SEAL activity that was run in the space.
“Please be sure to become involved in the many opportunities available in Dramatic Arts at IGS,” implores Ms Morabito.