‘Otsukimi’ Japanese Moon viewing

Following a deep collaborative project between the Languages and Music Department, the IGS Moon Viewing Collaborative Project continues to grow.

“During last year’s lockdown, I shared the Orff Collaborative Music Video here with Deputy Principal Mary Duma. She liked how I was connecting with the Orff community around the world when we couldn’t meet in person. Ms Duma asked whether we could do this at our School, so I spoke to Head of Primary Music Mr Nik Glass and we created the IGS ‘Moon
viewing’ Collaborate Music Video here. Many students participated and showed their creativity and talent,” said Japanese Teacher Noriko Yamanaka.

Year 3 Japanese students had a opportunity to present お月見 ‘Otsukimi’ (moon viewing) at their recent assembly

“I planned this performance by incorporating the Orff Approach principles. I included visualisation (moon posters, pictures and props), vocal (language), drama, movement, dance, instruments and social forms (working with a partner) when children played ‘Mochi’ (rice cake) hand clapping game,” Noriko said.

“Students enjoyed exploring the choreography of うさぎのダンス(rabbits’ dance) and 月 (moon) using a round white prop to represent the moon. I witnessed the students’ spontaneous creative ideas which is always a joy to see. Students also learned about presention skills when saying Japanese sentences.

“As music is an integral part of the performance, I pre-recorded moon-themed piano and violin music, such as うさぎ(rabbits) and 月(moon). Music enhances and gives an authentic Japanese atmosphere for the moon viewing theme of this performance. It also enhances the flow of the performance between each scene and helps to create a sequence for the

Noriko said it was wonderful to see students enjoying the process of creating a performance together and  having a joyful and rewarding experience.”

“Congratulations Year 3 Japanese students for your participation, enthusiasm and creativity to create a brilliant performance. And thank you to our Year 6 special guests. You made the ‘Moon’ song performance even more beautiful.”
