Thanking our Class of 2021

IGS High School students enjoyed a rare visit from some of members of the graduating Class of 2021.

Among the highlights of the IGS Class of 2021 HSC Achievements were two HSC first in course placements in the State, one second place, three third places and one fourth place!

Students spoke about the importance of balancing interests outside of academic studies with study for HSC courses, and the benefits of this for wellbeing, said Deputy Principal Teaching and Learning Lisa Kelliher.

They said being self-driven and carefully planning study schedules was helpful, particularly for courses with HSC major works.

At IGS, many students accelerate in their language studies, sitting their HSC in those courses a year or two early. Our visiting alumni said they found this beneficial.

They also spoke of the value of repeatedly seeking, receiving and acting on feedback, saying their teachers became more mentors for them during the HSC.

Congratulations to Therese Briganti for being awarded the 2021 IGS HSC Scholar’s Prize by Principal Shauna Colnan, and to Andrew Gillard who was awarded a special prize by the visiting Honorary Consul for Ukraine in Sydney Jaroslav Duma for his History Extension major work, a historiographical investigation into the Ukrainian Famine and Genocide.

Warmest thanks to all the students for attending, including Therese, Andrew, Grace Truman, Jamison Power, Jay Boyd and Saskia Vander. 

