The Class of 2024 Farewell

Year 12 Farewell Week at IGS has been a time of deep reflection, celebration and connection, where the entire School community comes together to honour the graduating class. It’s a week designed to commemorate our students’ achievements, acknowledge their journey and celebrate the values of unity, world-readiness and diversity that define IGS. For Year 12 students, this week provides not only an opportunity to reflect on their past but also to look forward with excitement as they shape their futures beyond IGS.


From Little Learners to School Leaders
The celebrations began with a memorable visit to Taronga Zoo, where Year 12 students spent the day with Kindergarten children. This full circle moment was particularly significant for many students who recalled their own early days at IGS. This beloved IGS tradition is a reminder of the continuity of learning and connection within the School community, symbolising the role Year 12s play as role models to our younger students. It was also a chance to embrace the unity that exists across all year levels.


Reflection and Revelry
Later that evening students and their families gathered for the Year 12 Graduation Dinner. This formal event brought together students, parents and teachers to celebrate the achievements, growth and personal development of the graduating class. 

As students sat with their parents, Principal Colnan spoke with pride about the Year’s accomplishments and qualities, highlighting their resilience, leadership and contributions to the School community. Addressing Year 12, she offered heartfelt congratulations, expressing immense pride. She encouraged them as they embark on their next journey, advising, “Follow your passions, listen to your heart, and be courageous. Embrace every opportunity, knowing that you are strong and capable of overcoming challenges.” She closed with the words of Mark Twain, “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So sail away from the safe harbour. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

Fadi Hatu IGS Head Boy 2019 returned to share words of wisdom with those in attendance. Remembered for his kindness and ability to make everyone feel included, Fadi urged to students to pay particular thanks to the sacrifices, hard work and generosity of their parents and carers. With their care and attention, so much more has been made possible in their worlds.

In a special speech, IGS parent Mark Beaumont expressed gratitude to IGS. Reflecting on his own education, he shared how he had long dreamed of a better experience – one where creativity and curiosity were nurtured. He emphasised that IGS represented the kind of school he wished he could have attended, a place where individuality and diverse perspectives are celebrated.

Finally, Lawrence Hunting Head of Year 12 spoke about the students building their own castles brick by brick over the years he had known them. Throughout his speech he reiterated that it was his intention to make these students, above all else, good people. Taking Inspiration from legendary All Blacks coach James Kerr, Mr Hunting governed his cohort under the guise that ‘Better people make better All Blacks’, or in the case of Year 12, better people make better students.

It was certainly a night to remember, filled with pride, reflection and of course, dancing.


Grilling and Chilling
Midweek, the School hosted a special barbeque for Year 12, organised by teachers as a gesture of appreciation. Principal Shauna Colnan was ably serving students, while Paul Galea got busy at the grill cooking up sausages. This time provided a break from the pressures of HSC preparation, allowing the students to unwind and enjoy each other’s company in a more informal setting.


Small Groups, Big Impact
Later in the day, the tutor group farewells offered a more intimate and personal opportunity for students to say goodbye. These small mixed year groups have been an essential part of their daily lives at IGS, allowing students to reflect on the friendships, support and sense of belonging they’ve built over the years. The farewells were filled with heartfelt messages of gratitude, with both students and teachers recognising the importance of these small communities in shaping their school experience.

On Thursday our Year 12 students continued their farewell week with a fun-filled day at Luna Park. Despite the rain, they made the most of every moment, enjoying rides, laughs, and creating memories that will last a lifetime.


Farewell to the Class of 2024
The week culminated in the emotional Farewell Assembly and Guard of Honour, where the entire school gathered to celebrate Year 12. The Guard of Honour, a cherished IGS tradition, saw students and staff line the pathway, acknowledging the graduands’ contributions to the school and wishing them well as they step into the next stage of their lives. It was a powerful symbol of the respect and admiration they’ve earned, while also highlighting the strong sense of unity that exists across the School.

Throughout Farewell Week, Year 12 students had the chance to step away from the intensity of the HSC and focus on the bonds they’ve formed, the values they’ve learned and the future that awaits them. 

As the Class of 2024 leaves IGS, they take with them a strong sense of community, diversity, and resilience. With the skills and values they’ve gained, they are ready to face the future with confidence. The school community proudly supports them as they step into their next chapter.

Va bien.
