Treasure the Present

A Message from the Principal – Term 3 2024

We have had an uplifting and exciting start to Semester 2. Our goal to Treasure the Present has ignited an important term. Following the epic success of our Vive la Révolution! anniversary concert, we launched International Day last Friday with inspiring speeches from the University of Sydney’s Professor Yixu Lu and alum Jamison Power, highlighting the profound impact of language learning from a young age and the resources available to advance the language learning of each student here at IGS.

I welcomed the opportunity to address our students at our opening assembly, emphasising this year’s theme for International Day Local Beginnings, Global Voices and recounting the school’s founding by Reg St Leon, who envisioned bilingualism for every Australian child. To further celebrate, we hosted a special formal lunch in the Bibliothèque with Shaun Christie-David, founder of Plate it Forward, which brought our families, staff and students together in a unique culinary experience, showcasing collaboration and cultural exchange and learning more about the Kabul and Kyiv Socials while becoming in a small way part of a collective movement for good. Each delicious meal prepared by the women at the Kabul Social provided a meal to a family in Afghanistan. We look forward to building more of these types of outward looking experiences into future International Days, conscious that we have a lot to give and to learn from our broader diverse communities here in Sydney.

We are immensely grateful to our Director of Languages Regine Berghofer, and all IGS staff for their dedication – particularly our Languages staff. Special thanks to the volunteers, students, and the IGS Parents & Carers (P&C) for their positively indefatigable support. Special days like International Day involve absolutely everyone across the School and I thank each of you for making a difference. The food stalls up on the rooftop were truly next level and the gift of an original painting of Kelly Street and the School’s facade, presented as a 40th birthday gift by the P&C to IGS at assembly was very special. All students will be able to see this gift on display in the Bibliothèque. 

This is an important week for some of our Year 12 students as they begin the first HSC Trials, and I am so proud of their focus and preparation. We also bid farewell to our Italian and Spanish exchange students, and today our Primary Sports Carnival was a resounding success, no doubt inspired by the Paris Olympics.

Congratulations to our Mock Trial Team! Demonstrating exceptional skill, intellectual rigour and tenacity, the IGS Mock Trial Team has consistently secured victories throughout Terms 1 and 2 this year.

Over the break, the Red Earth trip was another unique and powerful experience. The stories and gallery in this newsletter provide just a small window into this life-changing experience.

Thank you to President Hayley Dean and our unfailingly generous P&C. Following the recent outstanding Aboriginal Studies showcase, five students received special awards from the newly formed P&C. The awards recognised their exceptional work on projects that highlighted Aboriginal cultures and histories, presenting students with the opportunity to experience the highly anticipated Bangarra 2024 performance at the Sydney Opera House.

Looking ahead, HSC Trials will continue, Early Learning and Primary have a Family Day planned at The Retreat in Kangaroo Valley, and many more events are on the horizon. There is so much happening around the school and we look forward to the enriching experiences and achievements the term will bring.

I hope you enjoy this newsletter filled with stories, observations, and accolades. As we head into another busy term in this special Anniversary year, I am so excited to see where our talented, compassionate, and resilient students take their studies.

It is a privilege to be on this journey with them.

Shauna Colnan
