Where in the World Are They? #16

Paul Galea talks to IGS Alums Martin Brandel (2015), Sam Spence (2008) and Perri Fearnley (2021)

Martin Brandel (Class of 2015)


After graduating, I entered the University of Sydney with a flexible first year engineering course, transferring to an Aerospace Engineering and Physics double degree. Half way through my degree, I did a first year programming course, and then changed my major to Computer Science (Aerospace plus Computer Science). My biggest regret from this time was not just doing a 3 to 4 year of Computer Science major, since I loved programming.

During my university studies, I bought a fish tank and some shrimp, then the shrimp bread, then I sold them, then I got two tanks, then three, then five and I started an online store. I worked in the IGS Clubs Program, running Geeks Games and I also had a go at various programming projects and other businesses during my studies. 

After graduating I got a software engineering job, and although doing well there, after a year and a half, decided to follow my passion: run my own businesses! Since then I released two of my own board games through Kickstarter and opened an Aquarium and board game shop in Pyrmont. 

My games are released under the company Bigger Worlds Games which I run with former IGS students Joshua Winestock and Kenzo Harmelin as well as my wife Sandhya. And the aquarium shop is called Sydney Aquascapes.

Why not drop in??


Sam Spence (class of 2008)


After graduating, I launched straight into a BA DipEd at Macquarie University, inspired by hugely influential history teachers like Daly, Miller, Dearn, and yourself. However, once I finished I decided that teaching teenagers wasn’t for me and ended up working in primary schools for a

number of years before moving to London – where I lived with best friend and fellow alums Steven Russo, and worked in a preschool.

London was a hugely important time for me, and it was there that set me on a course to study a Masters of Early Childhood upon my return to Sydney. Since graduating last year I’ve been working as a preschool teacher in Sydney’s inner west, where I live with my partner Valeska, who is also in early childhood. I’m absolutely loving it!

It’s such a classic cliché, but if it wasn’t for the inspirational teachers I had at IGS, I’d not be on this path.


Perri Fearnley (class of 2021)


I happened to have just started my placement as a 3rd-year Bachelor of Psychological Sciences degree at Annandale Grove Care Community just as the residents were about to embark on their first visit ever to IGS. It was such a wonderful coincidence.

