Wombaroo Adventures

The Year 7 camp at Wombaroo was an unforgettable adventure filled with excitement and team-building activities. Students stayed for three days and two nights in the picturesque Southern Highlands, challenging themselves on the high ropes course, paddling through serene waters while canoeing, honing their precision in archery, navigating the wilderness during orienteering, and racing through trails on mountain bikes. The camp was led by the Head of Year, Ms. Jodie Blacker, whose leadership ensured a memorable and enriching experience for all.

“I slept in a tent the first night, then in a cabin the second night. It was pretty chilly outside and it was fun cooking at the campsite. My favourite activity at camp was the high ropes because I had a gorgeous view of the Southern Highlands. We also went canoeing, mountain biking, and archery. Overall, camp was an amazing experience and I will never forget it,” shared Taylor, a Year 7 student.

Enjoy some of the photos of the various activities below.
