We are delighted to offer small groups for parents and their children to visit our Early Learning Centre. These tours focus on viewing the beautiful learning spaces and seeing the program in action. Tours run for approximately 30 minutes.
In-centre tours take place on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 10.30am during term time. The next tours will take place on the following dates.
10.30am Thursday, 1 May
10.30am Tuesday 6 May
10.30am Thursday 8 May
10.30am Tuesday 13 May
10.30am Thursday 15 May
10.30am Tuesday 20 May
10.30am Thursday 22 May
10.30am Tuesday 27 May
10.30am Thursday 29 May
10.30am Tuesday 3 June
10.30am Thursday 5 June
10.30am Tuesday 10 June
10.30am Thursday 12 June
10.30am Tuesday 24 June
10.30am Thursday 26 June
Please email the Centre at early.learning@igssyd.nsw.edu.au with your child’s name, date of birth and your tour date request. Our Centre Administrator will provide confirmation of your tour booking.